NAMDET are looking for up to 4 people to join the Management Board to help steer and manage the organisation forward. Being a board member means that you will help to guide NAMDET to meet its 5 key objectives and link in with national projects, government departments, and other organisations with a focus on patient safety and medical device education and training.
These roles are open to all members including our industry and academia partners. Although being a board member does not command a salary, all meeting expenses, costs to travel and attendance at events and NAMDET conferences will be covered.
The NAMDET Board meets each month with Regional Group Chairs and Secretaries (via TEAMS for an hour) and also plans to meet face to face at least once per year (depending on everyones availability). The tenure is usually for 2 year period, but can be extended depending on individual circumstances.
Closing date is July 21st 2024