MDET Journal, June 2021 available to share

NAMDET are pleased to share the latest edition of our journal MDET, for June 2021. Content includes articles on surgical plume, new standards for beds for children, remote learning, update on T34 batteries testing, updates on DERS, safe use of fuses in mains plugs, IOS13485 award and a trip to Ethiopia for one of our clinical engineering colleagues. Simply click on the MDET image

The full Journal is free for download and you can print your own copy. Remember to go to ‘full screen’ mode to access the print and download functions. Please forward to your colleagues and share the link to your medical device educators, trainers, MDSO, risk managers and those with an interest in medical device use and education. A huge thanks to the MDET Editorial group for managing to pout out another great edition under enormous pressures of work and we all look forward to the next edition due out in October.

If you have any interesting stories, articles of interest please contact us at and we can help get your story into print for free.

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