
Under pressure training video

The You-tube training video used in the National Biomedical Engineering conference about syringe pumps, consumables and stiction, is now available via this website. the namdet youtube channel still exists but these links might make it easier for you to find things..

Improving safety by David Cousins

Published on Oct 27, 2014 Dr David Cousins, Senior Head, Safe Medication Practice and Medical Devices, Patient Safety Domain, NHS England presents this informative video of his 25 Year Quest to improve upon the safety and procedures of Medication Practice and Medical Devices.

Device interface talk

Paola Masci from the CHIMED team has posted his talk on front panel interface and design issues for infusion pumps on YouTube and all those involved in medical device training, design and how improvements can help reduce errors may want to take a look.

Members ONLY sections

Many of the sections and pages of the website have been transferred over to ‘Members Only’. If you get an error message you need to register and log in with your new password.. Previous members of NAMDET are asked to re-register with their new details.

Deadline extended 5th Jan. 2015

The deadline for feedback on the NAMDET 5 year strategy plan has been extended to 5th January 2015. This will give all members an extra 2 weeks over the Christmas holidays to read through the document 021114-NAMDET strategic plan 2014 _3 and comment on plans for the next 5 years.

Conference photos 2014

The NAMDET 2014 conference photos now available to view. Many thanks to Tim Hunt from Yorkshire for being our resident cameraman and collating all the images.

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