
NAMDET has expanded to Facebook.
To access just go to Facebook and type in NAMDET, there are many photographs uploaded already.

This is an open group

Stage 3 Alert: Air & O2 flowmeters

NHS Improvement have issued another alert (Stage 3) around safety of air and oxygen flowmeters and risk of misconnection. This reports raises again the importance of checking, testing, and ensuring the right device is in the right place at the right time. Systems to help reduce these fatal errors are also suggested. pateint-safety-alert-nhs-improvement-4th-october-2016 nhs-improvement-air-outlet-safety-october-2016 Please …

Stage 3 Alert: Air & O2 flowmeters Read More »

NAMDET Journal

NAMDET have been allocated funding for a magazine for our members. As it is for NAMDET, we are requesting that NAMDET members should suggest a suitable title. We are working closely with a professional publishing firm to develop a regular journal for all namdet members starting from 2017. The journal will be free to all …

NAMDET Journal Read More »

New PAQ For: Pre-Aquisition Questionnaire for new medical devices

Our Engineering colleagues across the NHS have been collaborating to develop a new standard PAQ (Pre-Aquisition Questionnaire) and a new agreed one is available. Please note this original 2016 version has been replaced with th enew 2018 version linked above. NAMDET is pleased to see ‘training’ listed as key requirements and we are always keen …

New PAQ For: Pre-Aquisition Questionnaire for new medical devices Read More »

T34 and T60 and TPCA issues with sunlight

Our colleagues at CME have issued some new advice around covering up the screen on syringe drivers if used in direct sunlight as this may affect its use. Please see their safety bulletin and share the information with your colleagues in EBME,  Medical Equipment Management etc. cme-medical-ambulatory-pump-safety-notice-fsn-2016-004 Many thanks website team @ namdet

MHRA Consultation and Feedback required (IMDRF)

NAMDET has been invited to participate in helping to draft document guidelines into definitions and classifications of Medical Device Adverse Incidents reports. This work will help harmonise reporting, phrases and terminology. The MHRA are key members of a working group; IMDRF (International Medical Devices Regulators Forum) and are engaging in key stakeholder input. The current documents can …

MHRA Consultation and Feedback required (IMDRF) Read More »

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