Northwest NAMDET
As one one of the contributers am now up and running though the NHS Computer is a bit slow so please allow time whilst I get hold of it working slower than other WordPress sites I run! Regards, Vince Ashton
NAMDET has expanded to Facebook.
To access just go to Facebook and type in NAMDET, there are many photographs uploaded already.
This is an open group
As one one of the contributers am now up and running though the NHS Computer is a bit slow so please allow time whilst I get hold of it working slower than other WordPress sites I run! Regards, Vince Ashton
For all administrators here’s a simple ‘how to’ guide on adding posts to the website. Please check all content before uploading as the website admin team have the right to remove any inappropriate info. We expect all regional chairs, and their teams to upload items and keep everyone posted on news, meetings, events and anything …
Professor Sue Hill has issued an update on the project so far around credentialing for reps and industry colleagues. This exciting project is really taking shape and gathering pace. NAMDET have been invited to participate in all the meetings so far, and hope to work closely with the steering group to help launch the proposal …
CME have been updating NAMDET regularly about the battery issues that were highlighted recently. The QA team at CME has informed us that their latest advice (as of 5th June) will be that they will not be recommending a battery insert as this may lead to other problems. Please see the attached correspondence and bring …
CME have previosuly supplied a technical information bulletin to provide users of the T34™ syringe driver information when selecting a 9 volt battery. Internal impedance can vary, the construction and cell layout differs, and how long they they might last is also covered. Medical device trainers need to make themselves aware of the differences when …
NICE are pleased to inform us that the IV fluids therapy in children consultation will begin on 1 June 2015 and run until 13 July 2015. Please find link to the webpage below. Guidance in development After June 1st this will be live and NAMDET will expect all feedback via your regional chairs and we will …
Calling all manufacturers, suppliers and small businesses. NAMDET is offering just 5 website sponsorship packages this year and 1 has already gone. The website package offers front page logo advertisement, free news alerts, product promotion, and first call on conference space and events. For further details please see the attached offering. NAMDET website sponsorship 2015 …
NAMDET’s 5 year strategy plan has been agreed after regional review and board approval. A big thank you to everyone who contributed towards the development of the plan; especially Marie Law and the team at North West for their help and input. We will be able measure our impact and deliver on the key objectives, …
Baxter Healthcare has informed the Department of Health that they are currently experiencing a shortfall in the supply of a number of Colleague pump compatible IV administrations sets and that this situation will continue until July 2015. To maintain availability of Colleague pump compatible administration sets during the period of this supply disruption it is …
Do you have any experience in updating and managing websites? If you think you can help NAMDET update, and develop our national website then please contact us as we really need your help to take this forward. Our latest website is developed in ‘Word Press’ and has huge potential but we need people with the …