
NAMDET has expanded to Facebook.
To access just go to Facebook and type in NAMDET, there are many photographs uploaded already.

This is an open group

NAMDET Scotland for 2015

Bill Brash, Area Technical Manager, Medical Physics Department NHS Ayrshire & Arran has very kindly offered to start a new NAMDET regional group for Scotland. Bill’s background is in medical devices and hopes to arrange the first ever NAMDET Scotland meeting in early 2015.

Patient Safety First: December

This months on-line Webinar hosted by NHS England is now available via the Patient Safety First website. This months short presentations focused on Infusion Devices; How some cleaning wipes have damaged medical devices, plus a round up of incidents and alerts for Dec 2014. All Medical Device Safety Officers are able to join in this webinar, …

Patient Safety First: December Read More »

Marvin’s Presentation Received

The long awaited presentation from Marvin Mapunde: Medical Devices Training Co-ordinator, Leeds Teaching Hospitals (Better Training Compliance: A Systematic Approach to Recording and Monitoring Medical Devices Training) at this year’s conference has been received and posted on the Conference 2014 page. To find the slideshow simply access the link. As soon as Harold Thimbleby’s presentation is received that …

Marvin’s Presentation Received Read More »

Welsh Healthcare Standards

A consultation period has begun for Wales NHS Healthcare Standards and of course ‘Medical Devices’ is key theme (2) NAMDET has been invited to submit comments during this consultation period and need to respond back by 26th January 2015. Please contact your regional chair who will be collating feedback from the NAMDET Wales region. The documents …

Welsh Healthcare Standards Read More »

Conference 2014: feedback

Feedback and powerpoints are now appearing on the ‘Conference 2014‘ resources page. Access this link to keep up to date with changess and additions. As soon as we get them they’ll be uploaded for members to view…

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