NAMDET Regional Meeting

Yorkshire Regional Meeting (virtual)

NAMDET Yorkshire regional group will be holding their next meeting via TEAMS on June 8th at 4p.m. Invites have already been posted to all members in the region, but if you wish to join in then access the Yorkshire regional page and email the secretary for more details.

NAMDET Regional Meeting (TEAMS)

NAMDET Wales is pleased to announce the next virtual, regional meeting is booked for Tuesday November 1st 2022. Our secretary Natalie has the agenda and TEAMs invite so please contact her for updates and any logging in details. Check the NAMDET Wales regional page for details and contact numbers

London & South East NAMDET Regional Meeting

Dear London & SE region members Happy New Year!  We hope you managed to have some down time over the Christmas period and remain safe and healthy. In preparation for our meeting on 25th January at 2pm, the proposed agenda is as follows: First part – Introduction by Wendy,  Virtual meeting guidelines and NAMDET Presentation- Federica - LinkedIn ( Work …

London & South East NAMDET Regional Meeting Read More »

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