Archives: Events

Medical Device Innovation in the NHS (Webinar)

Medical Device Innovation in the NHS: A free webinar by Medstrom, 11th May 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 BST.  This webinar provides essential, thought-provoking content for decision-makers for the selection of medical devices in the healthcare sector. Dr Rebecca Hanlin will discuss the importance of thinking in terms of an ‘innovation system’, stressing the importance of …

Medical Device Innovation in the NHS (Webinar) Read More »

NAMDET Management Group Meeting

NAMDET Management Group Monthly Meeting (TEAMS) at 4pm on Tuesday June 1st. The group will be discussing plans for 2021, Annual Conference, MDET journal and Regional round up. Please make sure your Regional Chair and Secretary feedback any issues you have for the National group to review

MDSO monthly Webex 2nd June 2021

MHRA host the monthly MDSO (Medical Device Safety Officer) Webex at 1p.m. Invites will be automatically sent out to all NHS Medical device safety officers, and invited guests from the devolved nations and safety partners. Please make sure you make every effort to attend (Invites can now be shared to professional colleagues)

Yorkshire Regional Meeting (virtual)

NAMDET Yorkshire regional group will be holding their next meeting via TEAMS on June 8th at 4p.m. Invites have already been posted to all members in the region, but if you wish to join in then access the Yorkshire regional page and email the secretary for more details.

BSI/AAMI Conference on International Standards and Regulation

This is a wide-ranging free online event held over two consecutive afternoons during which invited healthcare subject experts, regulators, medical device manufacturers and standards-makers share their knowledge, insights and perspectives on the key issues affecting the medical device sector now and in the next couple of years. This year’s conference will continue our emphasis on …

BSI/AAMI Conference on International Standards and Regulation Read More »

EBME Expo 2 day event: 30th June to 1st July

The EBME Expo is an independent educational event bringing together healthcare professionals who are responsible for the management of medical equipment. These medical equipment healthcare professionals are involved in areas such as procurement, maintenance, user training, and managing inventories. Follow this link for event information

MDSO Webex ; MDIS and Implants

The next Medical Device Safety Officer (MDSO) Webex from the team at MHRA will have an update of MDIS (Medical Device Information System) from NHS Digital and an open mic session on 'Implants' Please prepare your open mic question in advance. The usual will also be covered including; updates form the team at MHRA, NHSE …

MDSO Webex ; MDIS and Implants Read More »