
Conference 2014: feedback

Feedback and powerpoints are now appearing on the ‘Conference 2014‘ resources page. Access this link to keep up to date with changess and additions. As soon as we get them they’ll be uploaded for members to view…

NAMDET Conference 2014

NAMDET were proud to present their 3rd Annual Conference, held in the Manchester Conference Centre on the 19th November 2014. The conference saw over 120 delegates plus15 exhibitors and a range of excellent speakers who brought together NHS and corporate organisations to share knowledge and expertise in Medical Device Training and Education. Feedback and powerpoints …

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#namdet and #namdet2014 For all those ‘tweeters’ amongst us NAMDET now has its own twitter feed using the hashtag  #namdet2014 for this year’s conference and #namdet for all other tweets throughout the year. We’re hoping to get some good tweets going, and gauge responses to presentations, events and ideas from members throughout this year’s conference …

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