Conference 2018

Welcome to the conference page for the NAMDET 2018 conference being held at National Conference Centre in Birmingham on Monday 5th November 2018.


Presentations and resources from conference 2018

(Please respect confidentiality and copyright for our speakers: follow the links for the their presentations)

LSI register: Launch of the new register for NHS reps and visitors.  Andrew Davies ABHI & LSI register  NAMDET 291018

Medical device safety and the future of patient safety reporting  Sarah Jennings, Patient Safety Clinical Lead (Medical Devices) NHS Improvement 10.05 NAMDET 2018 NHSI Presentation SJ

Improving patient safety at a national level; an introduction to the HSIB Tracey Herlihey: Head of Safety Intelligence; Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) 10.25 Herlihey_NAMDET

A workable training needs analysis for CQC inspectors (a case study) Tanya Szczygeilski, Senior Educator, Heart of England NHS Trust 11.15 NAMDET Conference Presentation. 2018

Improving NAMDET regional meetings using social networking; Darren Maskrey, Healthcare Development Manager, Convatec    11.40 LinkedIn presentation NAMDET

Re-deploying Medical Devices: Namdet support for charity. Steven Logan MBE: South Wales Fire and Rescue Service and team leader ‘Blazing to Serbia’ Blazing to Serbia Presentation Conference 

An IV Workbook; embedding IV therapy and infusion pump competency assessments  Paul T. Lee Medical Devices Training Manager, ABMU University Health Board, Wales 14.00 An IV Workbook Paul Lee 2018

Mandatory training for Medical Gas and Oxygen Safety: then, now and what next. Robert J. Matthews, Clinical Trainer; Medical Devices, Cwm Taff Health Board, Wales. 14.20 NAMDET 2018 Medical Gas.[157332]

Implementing an on-line training initiative for Anaesthetic Machine Training ( a new initiative).Maria Bramwell , Clinical Training Leader UKI, GE Healthcare Ltd. and Heather Young, Medical Devices & Staff Development Lead, Nottingham University 11.15 NAMDET Conference Presentation. 2018

Developing a Medical Device Skills Passport for the London Critical Care Network. Gezz van Zwanenberg, Nurse & Project Lead NWL Critical Care Network post event version – Namdet and Clinical Applied Skills Passport

Transforming Medical Training: Virtual reality simulation for better patient care. Oxford Medical Simulation. Dr Jack Pottle, Medical Director, Oxford Medical Simulation NAMDET presentation (1) Virtual Reality


Follow this link to find maps, directions and sat nav codes to the venue

Here’s a link to an A5 size flyer to share with colleagues too  namdet a5 flyer 2018 conference

We will be hosting our networking dinner on the Sunday evening (4th November; special rates for NAMDET) at the Manor Hotel

Our conference booking page is now open via this link

You can request an invoice from here

Exhibitor / sponsor opportunities can be seen here; Conference Sponsorship Information

This year’s theme is about the 70th anniversary of the NHS and ‘Looking Forward into the Future’

Aneurin Bevan said about being reactionary: its like a man walking backwards with his face to the future. NAMDET believes that our unique association has the ability to both react and predict what the future may bring, to plan and adapt and share and learn in equal measure. Our conference will focus on what we have achieved so far, what our plans look like ‘going forward’ and what you can do to help.

We already have a range of speakers booked from Industry, NHS and experts from training initiatives and charities that we’ve collaborated with and are also looking forward to develop further links in 2018 and beyond. This year is also NAMDET’s 7th anniversary and we also will be sharing our vision for the future and how our plans and work-streams have developed and how they are taking shape.

Delegate Booking;

Our conference booking page is now open via this link, and bookings are already being taken. Please make sure you fill in all the details and don’t be disappointed by missing out on this year’s event. Delegate fees are £65 for members and £85 for non-members

If you cannot pay by PayPal, then you can request an invoice. You can request an invoice from here. Please send it via the email on the letter or post to the address listed in the top right hand corner.


Networking Dinner (4th November 2018) sponsored by Healthcare Skills LtdHC Skills International

We will be hosting our networking dinner on the Sunday evening (4th November) at the Manor Hotel, Meriden and special rates have been offered for both accommodation plus 3 course evening meal. Please apply directly to the hotel as they are managing all booking for this event and quote NAMDET to obtain the special rate. If you just wish to join us for dinner then this is also available as an option too. Current rate is £85 B&B plus 3 course meal, or you can opt for joining us at just £29 for the dinner. Our colleagues at Healthcare Skills International will be sponsoring the networking dinner for us this year and we are grateful for their ongoing support and help.




Sponsors / Exhibition Space

Our colleagues at Specialist Publishers Ltd. are hosting the exhibition space and most stands have already been taken so please don’t hesitate and miss the event as we have a much larger space this year, but limiting the number of stands too. Please download the exhibition offering via the link below and make your bookings direct with the team at specialist publishers (all information via the conference sponsorship link below)

Conference Sponsorship Information


Many thanks and look forward to meeting up with you at NAMDET 2018


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